What are Portfolios?
Kaymbu Portfolios is a dynamic and customizable assessment feature that can be added on to any account. You can use any set of tags in the Kaymbu system to create unique portfolio-based documentation for students. Just like the Family Report, Portfolios combine observations and comments into a student-specific, polished, family-facing document.
Why do schools use Portfolios?
Schools use Portfolios because they save time and they are dynamic! Here are some examples of Portfolios you might create:
- Developmental checklist or student growth report using school standards
- Curriculum check-in based on the HighScope KDIs
- Classroom Portfolio for NAEYC accreditation with the NAEYC tags
- Progress Overview for student(s) with special rights based on custom IEP/IFSP goal tags
Creating a Portfolio in Kaymbu simplifies and streamlines assessment creation and completion. In just a few steps, you’ll be able to name the document, pick the date range it spans, and select the students and tags you’d like included! Click here to learn more about how to build a Portfolio.
Once you’ve set up the Portfolio, the Kaymbu system will automatically pull all observations attached to the student and the tags you’ve selected and pull them into the portfolio. You can then add comments and rate observations if needed! View a sample Portfolio here.
If you currently use COR Advantage, check out our webinar below to see how Portfolios could benefit your program!
No matter what you use currently, you can learn more about Portfolios by reaching out to our team at help@kaymbu.com. We'd love to chat with you about how Portfolios could benefit your program!
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