Kaymbu's @Home feature is designed to strengthen the connection between home and school, making it easy for families to engage with the educational process and share moments of student learning with teachers.
In this workflow, families have the opportunity to upload photos and videos to their children’s classroom in Kaymbu. Using a secure, custom page, families upload a photo which then becomes a Moment in their child’s classroom. @Home is also available in the Kaymbu for Families App on the home page! Families can click the green plus button to upload media directly from the app:
As observations uploaded by families will become Moments in a classroom, teachers can use them for Storyboards, class updates, and in student learning portfolios and documentation.
Programs fully manage @Home and can opt to share this capability with families as they wish. If programs opt to participate, they can share one link with all families, who will then be able to share documentation for their particular child(ren).
Click here to read more about how you may introduce @Home to families, as well as recommended best practices.
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