If you are experiencing problems opening, running or using Kaymbu on your device, please try these steps that often resolve most issues:
- Check Wi-Fi Connection - Check to ensure you have a strong Wi-Fi connection. Test to see if you can browse to other websites, stream videos, etc.
- Update the device's operating system - make sure your device is running the latest version of software. If you're using an iPad, you can check this by going to Settings > General > Software Update.
- Update the Kaymbu Software - Update to the latest version of Kaymbu directly through the App Store or Google Play!
- Open Kaymbu - Try opening and using Kaymbu as you normally would.
STEP 2 (if the actions above do not resolve the problem)
- Restart the device - If you're using an iPad, you can do a force restart by holding down the home buttom and the sleep button at the same time.
- Open Kaymbu - try opening and using Kaymbu as you normally would
If you are still having problems after trying these steps, please email us at help@kaymbu.com and we'll work together to resolve the problem ASAP!
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