Moments in Portfolios Overview
Kaymbu Portfolios can include a customized rating scale, teacher comments, and Moments, which add a visual dimension to the learning narrative.
When you are editing your Portfolio, each section will automatically have all of the Moments that exist at the intersection of the Tag and child that were captured during the date range you chose when setting up the Portfolio. Simply click on the Moments you’d like to include to select them.
There are two ways to add Moments to a Portfolio outlined below.
The first way occurs automatically as teachers capture documentation during the school day! As teachers carry out their normal workflow, their Moments will flow into their children’s Portfolios.
The three things that inform what observations flow into the Portfolio are the 1) date, 2) students, and 3) Tags. See the image below for where you can add a standard to an observation as part of your workflow:
If the date, the student, and the learning standards on a Moment all correspond to the settings of a Portfolio, the Moment will appear automatically, without any additional work!
The second way is to manually add an observation to a Portfolio. Navigate to the Portfolio you are working on, click into a particular student, then either click “Start” or click into a section (folder or Tag) as seen below:

- Add from Moments will allow you to select an observation directly from your Moments page.
- Upload Photo/Video will allow you to select media from your device or external storage site such as Google Drive.
- Add Anecdote will allow you to create a text-based Moment.
To learn more about creating and editing Portfolios, click here and to learn more about this assessment tool and what it can do for your program, click here!
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