Overview of Observations by Teacher Report
The Observations by Teacher Report is built off observations that have tagged COR Advantage items and can be sorted by classrooms and/or specific teachers, making it easy to pull observations captured by one user. This report enables administrators to review their team's work for streamlined coaching and feedback processes allowing administrators to view observations, scores, and/or activities. Users can filter all the observations captured by a particular teacher and click into the observations to take a closer look. Both teachers or administrators can edit the observation if needed.
Table of Contents
Accessing Observations by Teacher Report
The Observations by Teacher Report is accessible for users with the COR Advantage assessment from the website my.kaymbu.com by going to Menu > Reports > Staff Development> Observations by Teacher. Please note, access to this from a device is dependent on the size and orientation of your screen. Your device must have at least 768 pixels and may need to be in landscape mode in order to access the report.
Viewing Observations by Teacher Report
The Observations by Teacher Report shows all observations, along with items and scores, published by each teacher, with the most recent observations appearing first. The information can be filtered and printed to assist with training and development.
By default, the report shows all observations published in the entities you have access to. You can use the “Teachers & Students” filter to look at observations for a particular subset of teachers and/or students, whether it be an organization, center, classroom, teacher, student, or combination of those groups.
The “Tags” filter allows you to look at view observations connected to a subset of the COR Advantage categories or items, while the “Date” filter pulls observations from a specific date range.
Clicking on a specific row will open the detailed view of the observation, which you can then edit.
You can print this report by clicking the Printer icon in the upper right-hand corner of the page.
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