What are Kaymbu Calendars?
Kaymbu Calendars are beautiful, high-quality 2024 photo calendars customized for each child. They make a great gift for the holidays and remind families of the wonderful experiences you create for their children!
Calendars are:
- Fast and Easy - Parents can automatically use school photos or upload their own. Swap, mix, match and have fun!
- A Perfect Gift - Parents, grandparents and relatives will love this special gift to enjoy throughout the year.
- A Benefit to Your School - Proceeds benefit your school and support the programs you provide to your families.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do families find out about and purchase calendars?
From November 21st to January 20th, messages sent by your school via Kaymbu will include a small link in the footer for families to learn more about the calendars and place orders. In addition, if your school settings include direct email outreach, Kaymbu will inform families directly about the program via email.
How much will the Calendars cost?
Calendars cost $29 including shipping.
Do schools need to do anything?
No! This process is fully automated and managed by Kaymbu, requiring no work on the part of schools. If you would like to update your school settings related to fundraisers, you can do so here.
Do schools benefit from calendar sales?
Yes! Schools receive 15% of all proceeds as a credit towards Kaymbu subscription fees.
How are the photos selected?
Kaymbu will pick an initial set of photos to include for each month that feature the specific child. Families can keep these photos, swap them out for other photos from Kaymbu, or upload their own.
When and how are the calendars shipped?
The calendars will be shipped directly to the address provided by families at the time of order.
Can calendars be shipped to addresses outside of the U.S.?
Yes! We partner with UPS to ship and deliver to all of their service areas worldwide.
How do I participate?
You can update your school settings on the form below!
More Questions?
Email orders@kaymbu.com!
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