What is the Assessment Dashboard?
Users with COR Advantage can find the Assessment Dashboard on their menu. The live Dashboard provides accurate, up-to-the-minute tracking of student development and provides administrators with snapshots of how children, classrooms, and centers are performing in real-time. Teachers can easily view unassessed items, as well as the items in which children need the most support, guiding lesson planning and scaffolding.
Table of Contents
Accessing Assessment Dashboard
Users with COR Advantage can access the Assessment Dashboard from the app on their device or from the website by going to Menu > Assessment. Please note the entities you can view from the Assessment Dashboard depend on your user level.
If you select the Dashboard and get the message "Your assessment module is being configured," this means that your periods have not been set up. In order to set up periods, your Administrator will need to update your Period Settings. You can learn more Period Settings here.
Overview of Assessment Dashboard
The Assessment Dashboard provides a live overview of your data. The data you have access to depends on your user level. Specifically, Administrators are able to see the data for all of their Centers, Directors are able to see all of their Classrooms. By clicking on any of the entity names listed, you'll be able to view detailed information for that particular entity. For example, as a Director, you'll see all of your classrooms listed on the Assessment Dashboard. If you click on a classroom name, you'll be brought to the Assessment Dashboard for that classroom, allowing you to look at an individual student's assessment profile.
Format of the Assessment Dashboard
The Assessment Dashboard is formatted to provide users with an overview of student progress. The COR Advantage categories and items are listed on the left view of the screen. The categories are in bold and the items are below, indicated by an uppercase letter. Additionally, depending on your view, the entities or students are listed in the top row, with the scores displayed below. The display and the type of scores will depend on the data filter you have selected.
Year and Period Filter
By default, the data you are viewing will be that of the current year and period. Once a new period begins, the view will automatically switch to the new period for you. If you would like to view data for a previous period, you can easily select the relevant period using the period filter.
Data Filter
There are three data filters you can select from, Average Score, Highest Score, and Total Observations. The default data view for Teachers is the Highest Score, which is represented by circles in the Assessment Dashboard. When the Highest Score is selected, users will find one of three circles displayed for each student for each item, including an empty circle for No Observation, a circle with a "+" for an Unscored Observation, and a colored-in circle with a number for a Scored Observation. Additionally, if you select the Highest Score filter, you will also have the ability to show the previous high score by selecting the small box next to the filter. Selecting this box will show a gray circle with the previous, highest score each student had received in their previous period. Please note, if an item has already had an observation captured for the current period, you will not be able to see the previous score from this filter!
Higher-level users such as Directors and Administrators will have the default view of the Average Score. You can also choose to view the Total Observations, which can be useful if your program requires a certain number of observations, or if you would like to quickly determine how much information has been entered into the system. Please note, Directors and Administrators are unable to see the Highest Score filter until they select into one specific classroom. Directors and Administrators cannot view the Highest Scores from the center or organization view.
Print Icon
If you would like to print the data displayed on the screen, simply click on the printer icon in the top right corner.
Student Assessment Profile
Directly from the Assessment Dashboard, you can dial down to a specific student's assessment profile. From their profile, you can manage the student's assessment data, such as adding, editing, and scoring observations. To learn more about managing observations, please click here.
Additionally, you can download, print, or share the assessment report directly from the student's profile on the Assessment Dashboard. Users have the option to preview, email, or print the Family Report for a student by clicking on the respective icons on the top right corner of their assessment profile. To learn more about the different types of Family Reports, please click here, and for more information on how to generate and share Family Reports, you can click here.
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