Overview of OSEP Status Report
The OSEP Status Report is an assessment of the student’s development upon program entry and exit. This report can also be used to enter a student’s COS scores. This information is needed to calculate a student's progress category for the Outcomes Report. Use the Status Report to track Part B and Part C enrollment, as well as the completion status of entry and exit scores. Teachers will be able to track enrollment and COS score completion status for their classroom, while administrators will be able to see their whole site or program, depending on their access.
Table of Contents
Accessing OSEP Status Report
The OSEP Status Report is accessible for users with the COR Advantage assessment from the website my.kaymbu.com by going to Menu > Reports > Administration > OSEP Status. Please note, access to this from a device is dependent on the size and orientation of your screen. Your device must have at least 768 pixels and may need to be in landscape mode in order to access the report.
Entering COS Data
When a student's profile includes both a funding source of either Part B - IDEA or Part C - IDEA Early Intervention and has been identified with an IEP/IFSP, the student will be included in the OSEP Status Report. You can learn more about how to add this information in the OSEP Overview article. There are three pieces of COS data that need to be entered for each student receiving special education services: 1.) entry scores between 1-7 for each of the three outcomes, 2.) exit scores between 1-7 at exit for each of the three outcomes and 3.) an answer to the Progres Question. These three pieces of data are accessible through the OSEP Status Report and inform the OSEP Outcomes Report.
You can enter COS data through the Status Report by clicking on an individual child’s name. From here, you will first be prompted to enter in the Primary and Secondary Disability. Below the Primary and Secondary Disability is the student's COS card. The COS card allows you to add entry and exit dates. The entry date should correspond to the date the child began receiving special education services, which may not necessarily be the date the child was enrolled in your program. By selecting “Edit Scores,” you can enter COS scores and answer the Progress Question. COS scores can be entered manually or by using the COR Calculator. Entering scores using either of these methods will only affect a child’s COS scores, and will not alter any other assessment data.
Manually Entering COS Scores
If you already know the scores for the three outcomes for a student from a different source of assessment data, you can directly input or edit the scores by using the drop-down arrow and selecting the appropriate score, 1-7.
COR Calculator
COR Advantage items (known as Tags in the Kaymbu system) and their associated scores can be used to calculate the student’s COS scores for entry and exit by using the COR Calculator.
Selecting the option to use the COR Calculator will automatically populate scores for each outcome based on the scores from the COR Advantage items. The scores will be pulled from the assessment period of the entry or the exit date. For example, if the entry date was October 3rd and that date was within Period 1 of your account, the COS scores for the entry date will be populated by the COR Advantage scores captured during Period 1.
If you do not yet have enough data for all of the items that calculate the outcomes, you will have the option to add your own score for each COR Advantage item that is missing a score by clicking on any item that has a red circle and assigning the appropriate COR Advantage score. To be able to click “Save” in the COR Calculator, you must assign a score for all missing COR Advantage items.
Progress Question
The Progress Question is accessible through the COS card and captures if the student has developed new skills since entry. The Progress Question is answered when special education services have ended and the student has exited or when the reporting data is needed.
The Progress Question will automatically populate an answer of Yes or No once the entry and exit scores have been entered. If the COS score stays the same or goes up, the Progress Question will be answered with "Yes." If the COS score decreases, the Progress Question will be answered "No." Please note, if the answer is automatically populated to a "No," Teachers do have the ability to change that in case they have seen progress that has not been reflected in the COS scores.
Interpreting OSEP Status Report
The OSEP Status Report lists the students who have funding from Part B or C and an IEP/ISFP. With the list of students, you will find the program, entry date, entry scores, exit date, and exit scores. Within the entity and exit score columns, you will find green or red circles. A red circle indicates that COS scores have not yet been entered whereas green means the COS scores have been entered. To be complete, scores must be entered for each of the three outcomes (Positive Social Relationships, Knowledge & Skills, and Action to Meet Needs.)
The filters on the report allow you to sort data by Program (Part B or C), Status (all, missing entry data, missing exit data or exited), and school year. At any time you can download or print the completed report through the download or print icons in the top right.
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