Overview of Strengths & Opportunities Report
The Strengths and Opportunities Report shows which skills or items students have shown to be the strongest and which items have the most room to grow. All the standards sorted from highest to lowest scores. For both teachers and administrators, this report is an excellent way to dial into the specific standards that your students have demonstrated as strengths and specific standards with opportunities to grow. Administrators can filter the report by classroom, age group, or other demographic information across centers. This will allow you to identify trends across centers and can provide information when you are thinking about allocating additional resources or where to focus on professional development and coaching. For teachers, you can use this report to easily glance at and narrow into the 4-5 most critical standards to focus your planning on. You may even use the filters to look at a group of students for small groups, and determine what your focus should be.
Table of Contents
Accessing Strengths & Opportunities Report
The Strengths & Opportunities Report is accessible for users with the COR Advantage assessment from the website my.kaymbu.com by going to Menu > Reports > Growth and Planning > Strengths & Opportunities. Please note, access to this from a device is dependent on the size and orientation of your screen. Your device must have at least 768 pixels and may need to be in landscape mode in order to access the report.
Viewing Strengths & Opportunities Report
The Strengths & Opportunities Report shows the items ordered from highest to lowest scores. The report is automatically sorted to show the highest to lowest scored items from Period 1, although you can easily change the period by selecting from the Period filter.
By default, the report will include all the students you have access to in your account. You can use the Students menu to look at specific subsets of students, or the Filters menu to view data based on the demographic attached to your student profiles.
Sort by Gains
The Strengths and Opportunities Report is useful as it can provide a more complex picture than where students are scoring the highest but it can also allow you to see where students have made the most gains from the first period. Sorting by Gains will reorganize your data based on the change from the first period to the current period selected. You can use the Gains view by clicking the three dots on the report. If you select “Sort by Gains,” the report will be re-organized to show you the specific skills that have shown the most or least growth.
To sort the report by gains instead, click the 3 to the right of the view options at the top of the report and select "Sort by Gains."
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