Wondering what's new with Kaymbu? The Kaymbu software platform is regularly updated with new features. Below, you'll find more information on our most recent updates!
Messaging: Updates to Announcements (December 2024)
Kaymbu is excited to introduce the newly updated and enhanced Announcements feature, making it even easier for all users to manage their messaging inbox! You can now seamlessly navigate between sent and received Announcements, and also have the option to archive Announcements for a cleaner, more efficient messaging experience! Explore the new updates to Announcements by clicking here!
Messaging: Archiving Conversations (December 2024)
We are excited to announce the ability for users to archive Conversations directly from Kaymbu's Messaging platform! This new feature will help to keep your Conversations inbox organized and clutter-free by allowing you to store older or inactive Conversations while still retaining access when needed. To learn more about Conversations and how to archive or restore Conversation messages, please click here!
Daily Sheets: Reminder Notifications (December 2024)
An exciting new update has been made to both Reminders and the Reminders Dashboard!
Reminder notifications will now be triggered once the Daily Sheet activity has been logged and will no longer be triggered upon student check-in through Attendance.
Additionally, users will now notice a dash symbol (-) appearing on the Reminders Dashboard. This symbol indicates that a Reminder has been created for the student, but the actual activity has not yet been logged.
Students In Your Care Refresh Button (November 2024)
Announcing the addition of the new Students In Your Care refresh button when tagging Moments! When the Students In Your Care setting has been enabled, teachers will be allowed to capture Moments of their homeroom students and students who are in their care in Attendance. The Students In Your Care refresh button will allow users to reset the student selection when tagging a Moment, ensuring that the list of all students in your care is accurately displayed.
For more information on the Students In Your Care setting, please click here.
New Add User Workflow (October 2024)
We are pleased to announce a new, improved workflow when adding staff to organizations, centers, or classrooms! With this update, adding new users and/or existing users is now more streamlined and efficient. This change is designed to make creating user accounts and managing user access faster and simpler! To learn more about this enhancement, please visit our Staff and User Management article by clicking here.
Content Visibility Settings (October 2024)
Kaymbu is excited to introduce the new Content Visibility Settings for Moments and Storyboards! Users will now have more control over the content that is displayed on both their Moments and Storyboard grid. These settings will allow users to filter their Moments and Storyboard content based on their selected start dates. The Content Visibility Settings can be customized and locked at different account levels depending on your account setup and access level.
To access your Content Visibility Settings, navigate to Menu > Settings > Moments Settings > Content Visibility Settings.
For additional information about the Content Visibility Settings, please click here.
Streamlined Year-Closing Process (September 2024)
Announcing a new update that simplifies the school year closing process! High-level users now have the ability to easily and quickly lock their periods and close their school year to ensure that all assessment data is preserved securely. The enhancements to the year-closing process allow for a smooth and efficient transition from one school year to the next. For more information on the year-closing process and instructions on how to close your school year, please click here.
Roster Enhancements (September 2024) -
We are excited to introduce new enhancements to the Roster functionality that will make managing your students and staff more accessible and customizable!
- Name Filters: Students can now be sorted alphabetically by first or last name in the Roster. Additionally, you can choose to filter by the number of Moments captured in a week or the total number of Moments in ascending or descending order.
- Save Your Preferred View: After customizing the layout of your Roster, you can select the option to save the current view.
- Simplified Profile Photo Upload: Easily upload or capture a student’s profile photo by clicking on their profile image.
- Update to User Permissions: Now, only users with administrative access, such as Directors, Administrators, and Account Managers, will have the ability to delete teacher profiles. Teachers will no longer be able to delete the profiles of other teachers. This change ensures greater control over sensitive information and helps protect the integrity of the system.
To learn more about managing your student Roster, please click here. For additional information on managing your staff Roster, you can click here.
Capturing Moments (June 2024) -
Our team is excited to announce enhancements to our Moments feature!
Directors will now have the ability to capture and publish Moments for any student within their center, and teachers will be able to capture and publish Moments for students in their care in Attendance!
Reviewing Moments (June 2024) -
The Moments page has been enhanced and now includes new icons for Moments that have been scheduled, sent, and/or created by a director.
- Moments labeled “Sent” have been shared with Families.
- Moments labeled “Scheduled” will go out in the next scheduled Digest and the daily sheet if enabled.
- Moments labeled “Created by Director” were captured by a Director and added to students in your classroom.
- Moments labeled “Created by [Classroom Name]” were tagged to students in your homeroom when they were in the care of another teacher.
Attendance Enhancements (February 2024) -
Users can now complete attendance actions, such as checking in a student or marking an absence, by simply clicking on their profile image on the Attendance page! This new feature not only streamlines the attendance process but also enhances safety and accountability by allowing you to verify each student’s identity through their profile photo.
Moments Captured Report (March 2024)
The recently released Moments Captured Report (formerly the Observations & Activities Report) is a wonderful resource providing directors and administrators with a quick and easy way to track the number of Moments published for each student within their program! This report will break down the total number of photos, videos, and anecdotes captured on a specific day, which will allow users to quickly identify which students are missing observations.
Messaging for Families: Kaymbu for Families App (February 2024) -
Families will now have the ability to mark all messages as read with one single action! From the Kaymbu for Families app, users can navigate to the Messaging tab and select “Mark All As Read” to easily clear all Conversation and Announcement notifications.
Messaging for Staff (February 2024) -
We have new and exciting updates to the Messaging feature for all users!
Viewing Messages: The Messaging page has been revamped with a sleek, new format! Users can now easily distinguish and access Conversations and Announcements through their respective tabs. This format provides users with a more streamlined and organized experience, allowing easy navigation between the two distinct types of Messaging features.
Deleting Announcements: Users now have the ability to delete Announcements! If an Announcement was created in error, information needs to be retracted, or if you simply want to keep your inbox clutter-free, you can delete an Announcement directly from your inbox.
Family Notifications (December 2023) -
We are excited to share that families now have the ability to change their email and app notifications directly through the Kaymbu for Families app! This new functionality will allow families to customize their Family Notification Settings by choosing between email, app notifications, or both! Please note that families will only receive text messages (SMS) if an Announcement is marked as Urgent.
Daily Sheets (November 2023) -
Introducing a couple of significant updates to the Daily Sheets feature! These enhancements help to elevate all users’ experience, including families, by providing detailed information on students’ daily activities and needs.
- Attendance Check In/Out Times: For users who have the Attendance feature enabled for their program, a student’s Daily Sheet will now include Attendance information such as check-in and checkout timestamps, as well as the staff member responsible for logging in the child’s attendance.
- Supplies: Formula is now an existing option when requesting essential items from families through the Supplies activity in the Daily Sheets feature.
- Nap Activity: In addition to the start and end time of a student’s nap activity, the duration of a child’s nap will now be included as part of the information logged in a student’s Daily Sheet.
- Download Moments from Daily Sheets: Families now have the convenience of downloading special Moments directly from the Daily Sheets Digest! We encourage families to ensure they have the latest version of the family app installed on their mobile devices.
Student Fields (November 2023) -
Account Managers for COR Advantage accounts can now customize and set required student profile fields based on the unique requirements of their program! To access or modify your account’s Student Fields setting, navigate to Menu > Settings > Account Settings > Student Fields.
Closing the School Year (November 2023) -
Users with COR Advantage will now need to reach out to help@kaymbu.com in order to initiate the year-closing process. Our team will be happy to assist in closing your school year for you!
Lesson Planner (August 2023) -
The Lesson Planner feature now provides users with the ability to streamline their lesson planning with the enhanced Lesson Planner search tool! Previous lessons can now be searched by title, apply specific tag filters, or seamlessly combine both methods for precise results.
Messaging Update: Rich Text Editor (June 2023)
We have an exciting announcement in Messaging: the long-awaited option for rich text editing is finally here! When sending a Message (Conversation or Announcement) in Kaymbu, programs will now have the following options for editing text and enhancing the visual of the Message:
- Bold
- Italicize
- Underline
- Bullet list
This new update can be accessed anytime you send a Message in Kaymbu and can be found at the bottom of the new Message form:
Daily Sheets Activities Update (April 2023)
Introducing two new activity options to Daily Sheets! These new options will allow users to accurately document the type of activity that is fulfilled with the students in their care.
- Breastfed option when logging Bottle activity: this option is ideal for families who choose to breastfeed their child while on-site.
- Diaper and Potty option when logging Diaper activity: this option is best suited for students who are potty training and may still be transitioning from diapers.
Daily Sheets Update (April 2023)
New to Daily Sheets, when logging Daily Sheet activities, teachers will now be required to select the staff member who is logging the activity. The intention behind this new functionality is to provide you with greater insight and information into who's completing each of these daily care activities.
Here is a preview of what this will look like from the teacher's perspective who is logging the activity:
In addition, when navigating the Activity Log, you will be able to see the initials of the teacher who logged a given activity in Daily Sheets:
When navigating to Reports > Attendance & Activity (for COR Advantage users) > Daily Sheets AND Daily Sheets Check in/Check out Log, you will now be able to filter these two Reports using a "Teachers & Students" filter.
Introducing: Reminders Dashboard (April 2023)
COR Advantage 1-Page Summary Updates (April 2023)
COR Advantage users can now choose from three new and different views on the 1-Page Summary Report:
- Percentiles View - This graph format reflects percentiles data for each COR Advantage category pulled from the Benchmarks Report.
- Average Scores View - This graph format reflects data based on the Growth Report and shows the average of the highest score observed for the selected student by assessment period in each COR Advantage category.
- No Graph View - With the No Graph view, teachers can share a 1-Page Summary that displays simply a Comments box section (pulled from the COR Advantage Portfolio) and text boxes, including strengths and areas for growth sections.
Learn more about the 1-Page Summary Report here.
Daily Sheet Digest (February 2023)
Daily Sheets users can share an enhanced Daily Sheet Digest with families that now includes photo and video-based Moments, as well as daily Lessons. The Daily Sheet Digest can be added by reaching out to our team to activate it on your account. To learn more about the Daily Sheet Digest, click here.
Director Approval for Moments (February 2023)
A new setting is now available that will require directors to approve the content of a Moment before it is officially published or sent home to families. This setting can be activated by reaching out to our team. Learn more about Director Approval for Moments here.
Introducing: Center Meal Menus (January 2023)
For Daily Care users (users with both Daily Sheets and Attendance), there is a new tool available in the Daily Sheets feature called Meal Menus. Meal Menus are a custom tool and must be activated by the Kaymbu team by request. This new tool enables program administration to create meal templates and input center-provided food items, simplifying teachers' workflows as they document meals and quantities eaten throughout the week for their students. You can read more about Meal Menus here and reach out to our team to activate this feature here.
Family-Submitted Absences (January 2023)
Programs using the Attendance feature in conjunction with Drop-Off notes in the Family App will now have a new functionality available to them in which families can submit Absence Notes. Family-Submitted Absences will directly update your Attendance in Kaymbu and notify you accordingly! To learn how to add Attendance to your subscription package, please reach out to our team.
Daily Care Activities: Reminders! (December 2022)
For Daily Care users (users with both Daily Sheets and Attendance), there is a new tool available in the Daily Sheets feature called Reminders. Reminders enable users with the ability to set scheduled notifications that prompt them to complete or implement daily care activities, including meals, bottles, diapers, potties, medication, and more. Click here to learn more about Reminders!
Attendance Reports (August 2022)
In conjunction with the new Attendance feature overviewed below, we have also released updates to our Reports suite to include an Attendance Summary Report and an Attendance Counts Report.
- Attendance Summary Report - Captures a high-level historic record of which children are present or not present for specific days over time.
- Attendance Counts Report - An administrative Report that displays counts for staff and students by location at select intervals.
Introducing: Attendance! (June 2022)
We are excited to introduce a new feature this month! Attendance is a feature that will enable programs to check students in and out, mark them as absent, and document reasoning and notes associated with their attendance each day. All of this information will automatically be compiled into a robust log that captures the time stamps for each check-in, check-out, and absence marking. In addition to the basics of attendance, there is also a Health & Safety section included, where teachers can log and check students' allergy and medication information, as well as view their emergency contact information on the go. In addition, there is a Name-to-Face check tool, so teachers can document visual checks while outside, on field trips, and more.
Learn about the new Attendance feature by clicking here.
Update to "Export Family Reports" (April 2022)
Export Family Reports now includes the option to download your reports as one single, combined PDF or as multiple, individual PDFs. When exporting Family Reports, you will see the options "Combined PDF" and "Individual PDFs" under "Download as." You can learn more about the Export Family Reports here.
Daily Sheets Release (January 2022)
Log daily activities and share with families directly from Daily Sheets – now available and integrated into the Kaymbu app and website. With Daily Sheets, you can expect access to:
- Streamlined care, learning, and activity tracking
- Consistent and visually appealing communication with families
- Easy reporting for you and the educators at your program
- And so much more!
Click here to learn more.
Updates to Messaging (October 2021)
We have made some updates to the new version of Messaging. The updates are listed below:
- Selecting more than 1 recipient for Conversations: You can send a message to a select subset of families using the Conversation tool. To do this, navigate to the Menu > Messaging > Conversations and click the green plus button. You can now select more than one child to send information to multiple families at once. This will create an individual Conversation thread with each family you have messaged, allowing them to respond to your communication to provide confirmation or ask a follow-up question directly to you.
- Read Receipts for Announcements: Through the Shared Content Report, you can view the read receipts for Announcements that were sent to Families as well as Announcements that were sent to Staff.
- Email notifications for Announcements: Since Messaging inboxes are shared at the user level, when an Announcement is sent by a user, all other users at the same level have access to that Announcement from their inbox. We have also updated this feature so that staff at the same user level will also receive an email of the Announcement.
Update to Lesson Plan Print Views (October 2021)
An update has been made to our Lesson Plan print views that enable a clear list format of the steps included in a lesson. This view can be selected when printing the Daily Lesson Plan view only.
Archived Data Filter (July 2021)
Key COR Advantage Growth & Planning reports now include a Student Status filter which enables teachers and program administrators to look at data for active, archived, and active and archived students. You can find these filters on the Growth, Performance, Progress Overview, and Student Completion Reports under Filters.
Update to Family SMS Notifications (July 2021)
As of July 20th, routine SMS notifications will only be sent if a family member does not have an email address. Families will still receive communication via SMS if their only contact information in Kaymbu is a phone number. Additionally, “urgent” Messages will continue to alert families via all available contact points, including SMS.
Please note this is a change from family members who currently receive both an email and SMS notification for routine communication.
If your families would prefer to receive notifications on their phones, we recommend they download the Kaymbu for Families app. Families can manage their own notification preferences in the app, including selecting from push or SMS notifications.
Finally, we're excited to roll out new functionality to Messaging soon! If you are interested in beta testing our updated messaging feature (in which families and teachers can have back and forth conversations in the Kaymbu and Kaymbu for Families apps), please reach out to us at help@kaymbu.com.
Media Safe Updates (June 2021)
The Media Safe flag on Student Profiles has been renamed to Media Approved. Now, educators can set students as Media Approved or Media Restricted and pull documentation for either group.
When a child's profile is set as Media Approved, teachers can easily share Moments with families when publishing them. Conversely, when a child's profile is set to Media Restricted, teachers are not able to share documentation when publishing. Learn more about the Media Restricted functionality on a student's profile here.
With this update, teachers and administrators can filter from the Moments page for media (photo or video Moments) that is approved to share out on social media or filter for Moments that are restricted. Under More, use the Media Approved or Media Restricted filters on the Moments page to reference the relevant media.
Updated Family Report Cover Page (May 2021)
The COR Advantage Family Report now includes the child's date of birth and date of enrollment on the cover page. This newly added information provides more context to the student's development at the time of the assessment completion.
New Graph Colors (May 2021)
Now the COR Advantage Growth & Planning Reports now have a new and improved color scheme. Hop on over to the Reports > Growth & Planning Reports > graph view on multiple reports to see the new colors. With the wider array of colors, it's easier than ever to see the your data!
Storyboard Backgrounds (May 2021)
Multiple new adorable backgrounds have now been added to the Storyboard feature. Create a new Storyboard today to join in on the fun!
Introducing the Letter and Number Recognition Report (May 2021)
The new Letter and Number Recognition Report is designed for teachers to easily monitor student progress, target instruction, and guide planning. Teachers use the built-in modal to easily record and track student's recognition of symbols, including the 26 upper and lowercase letters of the English Alphabet and the numbers 0-20. To learn more about accessing and using the report and modal, click here.
A Simpler Drafts Page (May 2021)
The newest update to the app includes small improvements to the Draft detail screen, including:
- Enhancements to draft view with larger size draft image and improved quality.
- Even simpler student tagging with larger student profile icons, consolidated workflow for adding tags and marking private.
- Delete and edit icons on the draft screen are now even easier to access!
Update to Liability Checks (February 2021)
We are excited to announce that Liability Checks can now include multi-question screening! You can set up multiple question checkboxes in your Messaging Settings by simply adding an asterisk before each question. To learn more about how to do this and what it will look like for families, click here.
New App Release (December 2020)
Update your Kaymbu or COR Advantage app to the newest version - 6.0.0 for iOS and 6.0 for Android - to access the following enhancements:
Mobile app access for administrators: Now, administrators can use their credentials to log in to the app and access the same features from the web on their mobile device or tablet! Note: If the administrator is a dynamic user, they can toggle between their teacher and administrative roles on the app.
Landscape view: View the app in landscape mode! For many devices, landscape mode enables mobile access to Storyboards and Reports. (Please note that your mobile access to Storyboards and Reports is dependent on the width of your screen. Devices must have a minimum width of 768 pixels to access Storyboards and Reports).
Media-safe updates: The media-safe flag on the student profile is more powerful than ever! Now, teachers will be prevented from sharing observations that include media-unsafe students from the Drafts page (but they can still share them from the Moments page if needed!).
Drafts page enhancements which include:
Videos taken on the mobile device's camera are now selectable from the media-picker,
The ability to bulk delete anecdotes,
Increased publishing options - now, it's possible to save a Moment directly to the Moments page without sending it or marking it Private,
Improved upload speeds and progress indicators on draft uploads!
Under the hood improvements: We've released a few fixes to streamline the overall app experience.
Introducing the new and improved Kaymbu for Families app (August 2020)
We are excited to introduce the new release of the Kaymbu for Families app. Some changes have been made to accommodate current circumstances, including touchless drop-off, liability screening, and more! Read all about it here!
@Home (March 2020)
Learn more about our newest feature, @Home! With @Home, families can upload photos and videos directly into your classroom account. With this tool, you can support distance learning and deepen family engagement!
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